Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Legislation:

Prosecution: Legislation:

Periods: 7th Century, 8th Century, 9th Century, 10th Century, 11th Century, 12th Century, 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century

[Info] Ali, Kecia. »Concubinage and Consent.« International Journal of Middle East Studies 49 (2017): 148-152.

[Info] Azam, Hina. »Stealing or Sinning? The Concept of Rape in Classical Islamic Law.« Religious Studies Student Committee, University of Texas. Austin 2007.

[Info] Azam, Hina. »Sexual violence in Islamic law: Where did these laws come from, anyway?« 44th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association. San Diego 2010.

[Info] Azam, Hina. »Monetary Awards for Rape Victims in Islamic Law: A Vindication of Rights or a Compensation for Adultery?« 46th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association. Denver 2012.

[Info] Azam, Hina. »The Definition of Rape as 'Coercive Fornication' in Classical Islamic Law.« 15th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities. Fort Worth 2012.

[Info] Azam, Hina. »Competing Approaches to Rape in Islamic Law.« Feminism, Law, and Religion. Edited by Marie A. Failinger et al. Farnham 2013: 327-341.

[Info] Azam, Hina. »Rape.« The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Law. Edited by Jonathan Brown. New York 2013.

[Info] Elfenbein, Caleb I. »The Value of Historicizing Sexual Violence.« Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 33 (2017): 169-171.

[Info] Imber, Colin. »Zina in Ottoman Law.« Contributions à l'histoire économique et sociale de l'Empire ottoman. Edited by Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont et al. Leuven 1983: 59-92.

[Info] Imber, Colin. Studies in Ottoman History and Law. Istanbul 1996.

[Info] Khasan, Moh. »From Textuality to Universality: The Evolution of Hir?bah Crimes in Islamic Jurisprudence.« Al-J?mi‘ah 59 (2021): 1-31.

[Info] Peters, Rudolph. Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to Twenty-first Century. Cambridge 2005.

[Info] Serrano, Delfina. »Paternity and Filiation according to the Jurists of Al-Andalus: Legal Doctrines on Transgression of the Islamic Social Order.« Imago Temporis 7 (2013): 59-75.